One of the first questions you can ask a client when you meet them is “what brings you in to see me today?” You’ll want to ask this in a friendly way that conveys your interest in the client and what they have to say.We have to gauge where our clients are in their understanding of their voice problem in order to help them resolve their voice issues. This goes along with the patient education piece. We want to know who referred the patient, and if the patient knows why they’ve been referred to us. So now we can talk about some of the questions and important points that we have to establish as a result of clinical interviewing during the voice evaluation.We’re trying to assess the client’s motivation to change their voice, to educate them about the voice mechanism and good vocal hygiene, and we also want to establish that we are knowledgeable professionals and can help clients achieve their voice goals. An as a secondary objective, we’re trying to do a number of things. Of course we’re also trying to figure out the potential causes of the client’s symptoms. The first thing we’re trying to accomplish is to figure out from the clients voice quality and from their symptoms if the client really has a voice disorder and could benefit from our services, especially if they don’t come with a diagnosis from an ENT. So we can think of there being two objectives to conducting a voice evaluation.Let’s go ahead and get started with out discussion about conducting voice evaluations.